The Ultimate Guide to Finding Affordable Student Accommodation in Australia

Finding the right accommodation as a student travelling overseas for study is about more than finding a place to stay. You want somewhere that offers a positive, comfortable environment for learning and personal growth too… and a good base for some fun on the side!

So let’s say that you’re enrolled to attend the UNSW in Sydney. With the right approach, you can find Student Accommodation in Kensington that will not only fit your budget but also enhance your educational experience.

The Challenges in Finding Good Accommodation

Two things in particular can make finding accommodation in Sydney difficult. The first is high costs, and the second is limited availability, particularly when the semester is about to begins and the pressure is on. You will likely need to weigh the convenience of location against the affordability, often compromising on one to secure the other… unless of course you’re able to find one of the rare places (such as Be.Accommodation) that doesn’t feature that tradeoff at all.

But you don’t want to miss out on the ideal accommodation, and the seasonal spikes when it comes to shelter for students can mean that the shortages bite exactly when you need a space. The best solution here is early planning and research, so you can beat the pack to the best options.

Finally, while the rise of online platforms has made it easier to search for accommodation, it also increases the risk of scams and fraudulent listings. You need to make sure that you can trust the company or individual that you are rending from, and a “proper” business, such as Be.Accommodation is a safer option than booking accommodation with an individual property owner for this reason.

Why Proximity to Your University Matters

Living near your university can significantly impact your daily routine and academic performance. It’s not just about the benefits to study, either. Proximity allows for greater flexibility in managing study schedules and partaking in spontaneous campus events, too – you’ll have more fun when your accommodation is nearby.

Because university is, ultimately, a social experience. You’ll be forming study groups, participating in clubs, and attending social gatherings, all of which are integral to the university experience. Proximity also means being closer to libraries, laboratories, and other academic facilities, providing an edge in your studies.

For international students, being close to the university can ease the transition into a new country. It provides a sense of community and support, with easy access to university services designed to assist students in acclimating to their new environment.

Rules about Accommodation in Australia That You Need to Know About

One final thing that you need to be aware of is the legal side of accommodation. Navigating the legal landscape of tenant rights and responsibilities in Australia is crucial for a harmonious living experience.

For example, you need to understanding the terms of your lease, the process for requesting repairs, and the protocol for bond payments are all fundamental aspects of renting in Australia. If you’re renting directly from an owner, or even real estate agent, this can become complicated and time-consuming. That’s why a company running dedicated student accommodation facilities, such as Be.Accommodation, is preferred by many students. By renting from us, much of the potential legal and contractional friction is made easy.

The key takeaway here is the importance of early planning, thorough research, and staying informed about your rights as a tenant. By doing so, you will know how to find accommodation that not only meets your financial constraints but also supports your academic goals and personal well-being.

Study Breaks with a View

Studying can be an intense and demanding task, requiring hours of focus and concentration. However, taking breaks is essential for maintaining productivity and preventing burnout. Sydney, with its stunning landscapes and picturesque views, offers a plethora of scenic spots where students living at Be.Accommodation can unwind and reflect.

1. Royal Botanic Garden:

Nestled in the heart of the city, the Royal Botanic Garden is a sanctuary of tranquillity amid the urban bustle. Take a leisurely stroll along winding pathways shaded by lush foliage and find a quiet spot to sit and admire the vibrant array of flowers and plants. You will also have iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge as a backdrop while you relax.

2. Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk:

For those craving a dose of sea air and stunning coastal vistas, the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk is a must-visit. Take a break from your studies and embark on a refreshing walk along the coast of Sydney, stopping to admire the art sculptures along the way or to simply sit and watch the waves crash against the shore.

3. Centennial Parklands:

Spanning over 360 hectares, Centennial Parklands is an expansive green oasis in the heart of Sydney. Whether you prefer to relax under the shade of a tree, go for a jog, or have a picnic with friends, Centennial Parklands offers plenty of opportunities to unwind and reconnect with nature.

4. Bradley’s Head:

Situated on the northern side of Sydney Harbour, Bradley’s Head offers panoramic views of the city skyline, Harbour Bridge, and Opera House. With its tranquil atmosphere and stunning outlook, Bradley’s Head is the perfect spot to take a well-deserved break from your studies. If you enjoy bushwalking, walk through the national park and make your way to the Bradleys Head Amphitheatre, where you can take in the view.

5. Wendy’s Secret Garden:

Created by artist Wendy Whiteley as a tribute to her late husband, this garden is a wonderland of winding pathways, secluded nooks, and lush greenery. Take a break from your studies and wander through the garden’s meandering trails, discovering hidden sculptures and tranquil corners perfect for quiet contemplation.

6. Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair:

Perched on the eastern edge of the Royal Botanic Garden, Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair is an iconic Sydney landmark that offers sweeping views of the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, and Sydney skyline. Named after Elizabeth Macquarie, the wife of a former governor of New South Wales, this sandstone rock cutout is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. Grab a seat on the chair-shaped rock ledge, and take in the mesmerizing vistas as you enjoy a well-deserved study break.

When you are living in student accommodation in Sydney, there are a myriad of scenic spots where you can take a study break, unwind, and reflect amidst stunning natural beauty. So next time you need a break from your studies, why not venture outdoors and immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring landscapes that Sydney has to offer? Your mind will thank you for it.

From Campus to Coast: Balancing Studies and Beach Life in Sydney

Sydney, Australia, is a city that effortlessly marries the vibrancy of urban life with the serenity of coastal beauty. For students seeking the perfect blend of academic excellence and a laid-back beach lifestyle, Sydney has it all. At Be.Accommodation we provide the ideal Sydney student accommodation to strike a balance between their studies and the captivating coastal allure of Sydney.

1. Striking the Right Chord: Be.Accommodation’s Prime Locations

One of the crucial factors for students is the proximity of their accommodation to both their educational institution and recreational areas. Be.Accommodation understands this balance, we are based in Maroubra, near major universities and colleges in Sydney, ensuring that students have easy access to their classes.
Whether you’re attending the University of Sydney, UNSW, or UTS, Be.Accommodation offers a variety of options to cater to your specific needs.
The convenience of being close to your campus reduces commute time, allowing you to allocate more time to your studies and other activities.

2. Studious Sanctuaries: Be.Accommodation’s Thoughtfully Designed Spaces

Be.Accommodation goes beyond merely providing a place to stay; we create an environment conducive to studying and personal growth. Our student accommodation is thoughtfully designed, with dedicated study areas, high-speed internet, and a quiet atmosphere to facilitate focused learning.
Having a designated study space within your accommodation can make a significant difference in maintaining a healthy study routine. We understand the importance of this and ensures that their facilities cater to the academic needs of students.

3. Academic Excellence Meets Coastal Bliss: A Student’s Daily Routine

Imagine waking up in the heart of Sydney, surrounded by the city’s hustle and bustle, and having your campus just a stone’s throw away. Our location allows students to seamlessly transition between their studies and leisure activities.
A typical day might start with attending lectures and studying in the designated spaces provided by Be.Accommodation. As the day progresses, students can easily shift gears and head to one of Sydney’s iconic beaches – Bondi, Bronte, or Coogee – to unwind and soak up the sun. The close proximity of these beaches allows students to make the most of their time without compromising on their academic commitments.

4. Community Living: A Supportive Network Away from Home

Moving to a new city for studies can be both exciting and challenging. Be.Accommodation recognises the importance of creating a supportive community for students away from home. Their accommodations are designed to foster a sense of belonging, with communal spaces for socialising and building friendships.
Being part of a community not only enhances the overall student experience but also provides a support system during challenging academic periods. The shared experiences of juggling studies and beach life create lasting bonds among residents.

5. Beyond Books: Exploring Sydney’s Coastal Wonders

Sydney’s coastal areas offer more than just stunning views. They are playgrounds for outdoor activities, from surfing and beach volleyball to coastal walks and picnics. Be.Accommodation’s central location makes it easy for students to explore these wonders without sacrificing their academic commitments.
Whether it’s catching the sunrise at Bondi Beach before a morning lecture or unwinding with a sunset jog along the Coogee to Bondi coastal walk, students can seamlessly integrate the coastal lifestyle into their daily routines.

The Unwritten Rules of Shared Student Accommodation

Heading off to university is an exciting experience, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with academic challenges, personal growth, and, of course, shared student accommodation.

Living with roommates can be both a rewarding and challenging part of the uni experience, but fear not! At Be.Accommodation, we want to ensure that all our residents feel safe and comfortable at all times. Understanding the unwritten rules can make the journey of living in student accommodation a smoother ride.

1. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful shared living arrangement. Before moving in together, have an open and honest discussion about expectations, habits, and boundaries. Whether it’s about study habits, cleaning schedules, or having friends over, setting the groundwork for effective communication will prevent misunderstandings down the road.

2. Respect Personal Spaces

Understanding and respecting personal spaces is crucial. While the shared areas like the kitchen and living room are communal, bedrooms are sacred territory. Knock before entering, and avoid borrowing items without permission. Everyone deserves a haven to unwind and relax without feeling invaded.

3. The Golden Rule: Cleanliness

Maintaining a clean living space is usually the biggest issue in shared student accommodation. Develop a cleaning schedule that everyone can agree on, and stick to it. Be mindful of common areas, and don’t leave dirty dishes or clutter lying around.

4. Noise Levels and Quiet Hours

Uni life can be crazy, and everyone has different schedules. Establish quiet hours during which everyone can study or rest without disruption. Be mindful of noise levels, especially during late-night hours. If you’re planning a gathering, check in with your roommates first and ensure everyone is comfortable with the arrangements.

5. Sharing is Caring, But Ask First

Sharing is a virtue, but it’s essential to ask before borrowing or using someone else’s belongings. Whether it’s a textbook, clothes, or kitchen utensils, respecting personal property fosters a sense of trust and harmony. Always remember the golden rule of reciprocity—treat others’ belongings as you would want yours to be treated.

6. Be Mindful of Guests

While it’s natural to have friends over, be considerate of your roommates’ comfort levels. Communicate in advance about inviting guests and ensure that it doesn’t interfere with their schedules or personal space. Nobody likes unexpected guests disrupting their quiet study night or invading their privacy.

7. Financial Fairness

Shared expenses can be a potential source of tension. Clearly define how shared costs will be divided, whether it’s groceries, utilities, or cleaning supplies. Keep track of expenses and settle any outstanding balances promptly to avoid financial conflicts.

8. Problem-Solving Diplomacy

Disagreements are inevitable, but how you handle them can make all the difference. Instead of letting conflicts escalate, approach them with a problem-solving mindset. Communicate openly, actively listen to your roommates’ perspectives, and work together to find compromises. Remember, a little diplomacy goes a long way in maintaining a harmonious living environment.

9. Be Social, But Respect Alone Time

Shared student accommodation offers the opportunity to build lifelong friendships. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between socialising and respecting each other’s need for alone time. Encourage a friendly atmosphere, but also be mindful of the fact that everyone needs moments of solitude to recharge.

10. Flexibility and Adaptability

Finally, be open to change and adaptability. People evolve, schedules shift, and circumstances change. Flexibility is key to navigating the dynamic landscape of shared student accommodation. Embrace the journey, learn from the experiences, and cultivate an environment that fosters growth and mutual respect.

Are you searching for student accommodation near UNSW? Look no further than Be.Accommodation, where we foster friendships, comfort, and security. Choose from one of 59 rooms for your home away from home.

Privacy in Shared Spaces: Striking the Right Balance in Student Accommodation

Students can find living with their roommates to be a very exciting part of their student experience, but it also brings up an important question: what can students do to balance the need for space with the desire to share a living space?

At Be.Accommodation, we make sure our spaces foster the right balance of community and privacy. So, without further ado, here is how to strike the right balance for privacy in student accommodation:

Setting Boundaries

To create a harmonious living environment, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries.  Communicate openly with roommates, discuss needs and expectations, and find compromises that work for everyone. Physical boundaries, like room dividers or curtains, can provide a tangible sense of separation without alienating roommates.

Technology and Transparency

In our digital age, maintaining privacy involves responsible technology use. Establish guidelines for shared technologies, prioritise cybersecurity, and agree on digital privacy boundaries, such as sharing passwords. This ensures that everyone’s details on devices are respected, preventing unintentional invasions of personal privacy.

Balancing Social Interaction and Solitude

Shared spaces encourage socialising, but it’s essential to recognize the need for alone time. Find a balance between communal activities and having some quiet alone time. Designate specific times or areas for socialising, creating a rhythm that allows everyone to enjoy shared living without feeling overwhelmed.

Community Building through Communication

Effective communication is the foundation of successful shared living. Regular house meetings provide a space for residents to discuss concerns, share updates, and collectively talk about privacy issues. This kind of open communication creates a sense of community where everyone feels heard and understood. Collaboratively establishing house rules ensures that privacy concerns are addressed collectively, preventing conflicts from escalating.

Respecting Diversity of Privacy Needs

Recognise that individuals have varying comfort levels and needs when it comes to privacy. Some thrive in communal settings, while others need more seclusion. Embrace diversity in privacy needs, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding. This allows residents to express their privacy preferences without judgment, creating a supportive living community that accommodates everyone.

In student housing Sydney, balancing communal living with personal privacy is an art. Through clear communication, respect for privacy, and a balance between community and solitude, Be.Accommodation creates an environment that nurtures both academic success and personal well-being. It’s not just a place to stay; it’s a community where intentional living fosters growth and a sense of belonging. Contact us today for more information.

Easy Recipes Every Student Can Make in Their Student Housing Kitchen

Embracing the challenge of cooking in a student housing kitchen doesn’t have to be daunting. At Be.Accommodation all our residents have access to our kitchen and barbeque facilities, allowing them to flex their cooking muscles, and bring out their MasterChef abilities.

Let’s break down the steps for five delicious and foolproof meals that even the busiest student can conquer.

1.One-Pan Pasta Delight


        • 8 oz pasta
        • 1-pint cherry tomatoes
        • 3 cloves garlic, minced.
        • 2 tablespoons olive oil
        • Salt and pepper to taste
        • Fresh basil for garnish


      1. Boil the Pasta: Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook the pasta according to the package instructions. Drain and set aside.
      2. Sauté Garlic and Tomatoes: In the same pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add minced garlic and cherry tomatoes, cooking until the tomatoes burst and release their juices.
      3. Combine Pasta and Tomatoes: Toss the cooked pasta into the pot with the tomatoes and garlic. Stir to combine, allowing the flavours to meld for a couple of minutes.
      4. Season and Garnish: Season with salt and pepper to taste. Finish with a sprinkle of fresh basil for a burst of flavour and colour.
      5. Serve and Enjoy: Plate your one-pan pasta delight and revel in the fact that you just created a delicious, hassle-free meal.
2.Microwave Mug Mac ‘n’ Chees


        • 1/2 cup macaroni
        • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
        • 1/4 cup milk
        • 1 tablespoon butter
        • Salt and pepper to taste


      1. Combine Ingredients in Mug: In a microwave-safe mug, mix the macaroni, shredded cheese, milk, and butter.
      2. Microwave in Intervals: Microwave the mug in 1-minute intervals, stirring in between, until the mac ‘n’ cheese reaches your desired consistency.
      3. Season to Taste: Add salt and pepper to taste, giving it a final stir.
      4. Let it Set: Allow the mac ‘n’ cheese to set for a minute before digging in. The result? Creamy, cheesy goodness in no time!
3.Stir-Fry Fiesta


        • 1 cup cooked rice or noodles
        • 1 cup mixed vegetables (bell peppers, broccoli, carrots)
        • 1 cup protein (chicken, tofu, prawns)
        • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
        • 1 tablespoon oil
        • 1 teaspoon ginger, minced
        • 1 teaspoon garlic, minced


      1. Stir-Fry Protein: In a pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add the protein and cook until browned.
      2. Add Vegetables: Toss in the mixed vegetables, ginger, and garlic. Stir-fry until the vegetables are tender-crisp.
      3. Incorporate Rice or Noodles: Add the cooked rice or noodles to the pan, combining all ingredients.
      4. Pour in Soy Sauce: Drizzle soy sauce over the stir-fry, ensuring even distribution.
      5. Serve Hot:Plate your stir-fry fiesta, and enjoy a well-balanced, flavourful meal.
4.Sheet Pan Baked Chicken


        • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
        • 1 lb baby potatoes, halved
        • 2 cups broccoli florets
        • 3 tablespoons olive oil
        • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
        • 1 teaspoon paprika
        • Salt and pepper to taste


      1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 220°C.
      2. Prepare Sheet Pan: Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Place chicken breasts, halved potatoes, and broccoli on the pan.
      3. Season Chicken and Vegetables: Drizzle olive oil over everything. Sprinkle garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper evenly.
      4. Toss and Arrange: Toss the ingredients on the pan until well coated. Arrange them in a single layer for even cooking.
      5. Bake to Perfection: Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. Serve up this hearty sheet pan baked chicken with pride!
5.Overnight Oats for Breakfast Bliss


        • 1/2 cup rolled oats
        • 1/2 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
        • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
        • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
        • 1 tablespoon honey
        • Fresh fruits and nuts for topping


      1. Combine Ingredients: In a jar or container, mix rolled oats, milk, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, and honey.
      2. Stir and Seal: Stir the ingredients until well combined. Seal the jar or container and refrigerate overnight.
      3. Top and Enjoy: The next morning, give your overnight oats a good stir. Top with fresh fruits and nuts for added flavour and texture.
      4. Ready to Go: Your delicious and nutritious breakfast is now ready to grab and go!

Mastering these five easy recipes will not only make your student housing kitchen adventures enjoyable but will also leave you feeling accomplished and well-fed. So, put on that apron, turn up the music, and let the culinary journey begin!

If you are searching for cheap student accommodation in Sydney that offers all the facilities you need to live and study comfortably – look no further than Be.Accommodation.

Contact us today and discuss how our student housing is the right option for you.

Making Friends and Building Community in Student Accommodation

As students embark on their academic journeys, one of the most significant decisions they make is where to live during their university years. While the choice between student accommodation and other housing options may seem daunting, there are numerous benefits to living in student accommodation that extend far beyond the convenience of proximity to campus.

At Be.Accommodation, we believe that one of the most rewarding aspects of student accommodation is the opportunity it provides for making friends and building a strong sense of community.

1. Instant Social Network :

One of the standout advantages of living in student accommodation is the instant access to a diverse and vibrant social network. Unlike other housing options, where you might be isolated or have to make a more significant effort to meet people, student accommodation is a hub of activity. You’re surrounded by fellow students who are in the same boat as you, looking to make friends and navigate the challenges of uni life together.

2. Shared Experiences:

Living in student accommodation means sharing experiences that are unique to this stage of life. You’ll find yourself surrounded by individuals who are going through similar academic pressures, facing similar financial constraints, and striving to strike a balance between work and play. These shared experiences create a strong sense of camaraderie that’s hard to replicate elsewhere.

3. Learning from Each Other :

Student accommodation often houses students from various backgrounds, cultures, and people studying various courses. This diversity can be a great asset, as it exposes you to different perspectives and worldviews.

4. Academic Support :

Uni life can be academically demanding, and living in student accommodation can provide a built-in support system. You’re likely to find students who are willing to help with your studies, whether it’s through study groups, sharing lecture notes, or offering tutoring. This academic support network can be invaluable, especially during exam periods or when tackling challenging coursework.

5. Developing Social Skills :

Living in student accommodation is a crash course in social skills. It’s a chance to refine your communication, conflict resolution, and teamwork abilities. You’ll learn how to interact with a diverse group of people and navigate the intricacies of shared living spaces. These skills are not only essential for uni life but also for your future career and personal relationships.

6. A Sense of Belonging :

Building a sense of community is crucial for emotional well-being and a positive experience. Student accommodation often hosts events, activities, and gatherings that promote community building. Whether it’s a movie night, a game tournament, or a potluck dinner, these events create opportunities for residents to connect and forge lasting friendships.

7. Emotional Support :

University can be stressful, and there will be times when you need emotional support. Living in student accommodation means having people around who understand what you’re going through. Whether you’re dealing with homesickness, academic pressure, or personal challenges, you’re likely to find a sympathetic ear and a helping hand within your accommodation community.

8. Enhanced Safety and Security :

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to choosing a place to live during your uni years. Student accommodation is often equipped with security features like controlled access, on-site staff, and surveillance cameras, providing peace of mind for both students and their parents.

9. Networking Opportunities :

The friendships you forge in student accommodation can extend beyond your uni years. Your roommates and neighbours may become lifelong friends, professional connections, or even business partners. The networking opportunities that arise from living in close proximity to your peers can be instrumental in your future career endeavours.

10. A Home Away from Home:

Lastly, student accommodation can become a home away from home. In a new and often unfamiliar environment, having a supportive community can make all the difference. You’ll create memories, celebrate milestones, and experience personal growth alongside your fellow residents, making your accommodation more than just a place to sleep—it becomes a place where you belong.

So, when deciding where to live during your uni years, consider the invaluable social and communal advantages that student accommodation can offer. It’s not just a place to live; it’s a place to thrive.

Are you looking for Sydney student accommodation? Speak to the team at Be.Accommodation today to find the perfect place for you to live while studying.

The Importance of Self-Care While Studying: Tips for Students in Sydney

Studying in a bustling city like Sydney can be an exhilarating experience. The vibrant culture, diverse community, and world-class educational institutions create an environment ripe for personal and academic growth. Amid the excitement of pursuing your dreams, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities.

In the midst of this academic journey, one aspect that often gets overlooked is self-care. Taking care of yourself is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining overall well-being and achieving academic success.

At Be.Accommodation, it is important that our residents have all they need to help you thrive during your time as a student. So, we have put together a list of self-care tips for students studying in Sydney:

Understanding the Importance of Self-Care

Self-care is more than just pampering yourself occasionally; it’s a holistic approach to maintaining your mental, emotional, and physical health. As a student your days are likely filled with lectures, study sessions, group projects, and social activities. Without proper self-care, these demands can lead to burnout, stress, and even affect your academic performance. Prioritising self-care allows you to recharge, manage stress, and enhance your overall quality of life.

The Link Between Self-Care and Academic Success

Contrary to the belief that academic success requires non-stop studying, incorporating self-care into your routine can significantly improve your performance. When you take care of your physical and mental health, you’re better equipped to focus, retain information, and think creatively. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep play a pivotal role in maintaining cognitive function and boosting memory retention. Additionally, engaging in relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance problem-solving skills.

Tips for Practicing Self-Care in Sydney

1. Find the Right Balance: Striking a balance between your academic responsibilities and personal life is crucial. Allocate time for studying, socialising, and engaging in activities you love. Be.Accommodation offers student accommodation in Sydney that provides a conducive environment for both studying and relaxation, helping you achieve this balance.

2. Prioritise Sleep: Pulling all-nighters might seem like a rite of passage for students, but it’s detrimental to your health and academic performance. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night to ensure your mind and body are functioning optimally.

3. Stay Active: Sydney’s beautiful landscapes offer numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. Regular exercise not only keeps you physically fit but also releases endorphins, which boost your mood and reduce stress. Consider going for walks, jogs, or joining group fitness classes or a local gym.

4. Healthy Eating Habits: Fuel your body with nutritious meals to sustain your energy levels throughout the day. Avoid excessive caffeine and opt for balanced meals rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

5. Connect with Others: Building a support network is essential for your well-being. Surround yourself with friends, classmates, and mentors who uplift and inspire you. Be.Accommodation’s student housing in Sydney fosters a sense of community, making it easier to connect with fellow students.

6. Personal Time: Dedicate time to activities you enjoy outside of academics. Whether it’s reading, painting, playing a musical instrument, or exploring Sydney’s cultural scene, engaging in hobbies rejuvenates your mind and enhances creativity.

7. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practicing mindfulness through meditation or deep breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety and improve your ability to handle academic pressures.

8. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your academic and personal goals into smaller, achievable steps. This not only prevents overwhelm but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you progress.

The journey of being a student in Sydney is undeniably exciting, but it comes with its share of challenges. Navigating through academic demands while maintaining a healthy well-being requires conscious effort and self-care. By prioritising self-care, you’re investing in your future success, both academically and personally.

Remember that Be.Accommodation offers student accommodation in Sydney that not only serves as a place to stay but also contributes to your well-being through a supportive community and conducive living environment. So, embrace self-care as an integral part of your student life and thrive in all aspects of your Sydney adventure.

How to Balance a Part-Time Job and Your Studies in Sydney

Balancing the responsibilities of a part-time job and academic studies can be a challenging task for students. With the bustling city of Sydney as their backdrop, students at universities like UNSW face additional demands of living in a vibrant metropolis.

However, with effective planning and a few key strategies, it is possible to strike a balance between work and studies.
At Be.Accommodation, it is important that we provide our residents with all they need to navigate the challenges of juggling a part-time job and their studies in Sydney.

1. Establish a Schedule:

Creating a well-defined schedule is the first step toward balancing your commitments. Allocate specific time slots for your classes, study sessions, work shifts, and personal activities. This will provide structure to your days and help you make the most of your time. Be sure to prioritise your academics and allocate sufficient study hours to keep up with coursework and assignments.

2. Effective Time Management:

Once you have established a schedule, it’s crucial to manage your time efficiently. Avoid procrastination and set realistic goals for each study session. Break down your assignments into smaller tasks and tackle them systematically. Utilise productivity techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in focusedbursts with short breaks in between. This way, you can maximise your productivity while having time for work and leisure activities.

3. Communicate with Your Employer:

Maintaining open communication with your employer is essential to managing your work commitments effectively. Inform them about your academic schedule and any availability changes. Be transparent about your limitations and ensure that your employer understands the importance of your studies. This will help establish a supportive work environment where your employer can accommodate your academic needs.

4. Prioritise Self-Care:

Balancing work and studies can be mentally and physically draining, so it’s crucial to prioritise self-care. Take breaks, get enough sleep, and engage in activities that help you relax and recharge. It’s important to strike a balance between your professional and personal life to avoid burnout and maintain overall well-being.

5. Utilise University Resources:

Universities offer a range of support services and resources to help students manage their academic and personal lives effectively. Take advantage of academic support centres, such as writing and study skills workshops, to enhance your learning experience. Seek guidance from academic advisors or career counsellors who can provide valuable insights on managing work and studies. Additionally, explore online tools and platforms that can streamline your academic workflow, such as note-taking apps and productivity software.

6. Consider Flexible Work Options:

If possible, seek out part-time jobs with flexible schedules. Look for employers who understand the demands of student life and are willing to accommodate your academic needs. Flexible work options, such as remote work or shift-based roles, can provide you with the freedom to adjust your work hours around your classes and study time.
Finding a balance between a part-time job and your studies in Sydney may seem challenging, but with careful planning and effective time management, it is certainly achievable.
Be.Accommodation: Local UNSW Student Accommodation :
When it comes to finding accommodation as a UNSW student in Sydney, Be.Accommodation offers aconvenient and student-friendly option. Our housing options are designed specifically for students, providing comfortable and secure living spaces close to campus. With a variety of room types and facilities such as study areas, communal spaces, and 24/7 support, we aim to create a conducive environment for students to balance their academic and personal lives effectively.
Consider exploring Be.Accommodation for a hassle-free living experience during your time at UNSW.

How to Stay Motivated While Studying for Your University Exams

As university students, one of the biggest challenges we face is staying motivated while studying for exams. With endless readings, assignments, and looming deadlines, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose sight of our goals.

However, with the right mindset and strategies, it’s possible to stay motivated and focused throughout the exam period.
Here are some effective techniques to help you stay motivated and ace your university exams.

1. Set Clear Goals:

Start by setting clear and specific goals for each study session and the overall exam preparation. Break down your study material into manageable chunks and create a study schedule that allows for regular breaks. Setting achievable goals will help you stay motivated as you tick off each task and make progress towards your ultimate objective.

2. Create a Productive Study Environment:

Your study environment plays a significant role in your motivation and concentration levels. Find a space that is free from distractions, such as noise, clutter, and interruptions.

3. Find Your Optimal Study Method:

Discover the study method that works best for you. Some students thrive in complete silence, while others find background music or ambient noise helpful. Experiment with different techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique (working in short bursts with regular breaks), creating flashcards, or summarising information in your own words. Finding the right study method will enhance your efficiency and motivation.

4. Break Down Complex Topics:

Tackling complex subjects can be overwhelming, leading to a loss of motivation. Break down difficult topics into smaller, more manageable concepts. Start by understanding the basics before moving on to more intricate details. This step-by-step approach will help you build confidence and maintain motivation throughout the learning process.

5. Stay Organised:

Keep your study materials and notes well-organised. A cluttered workspace can negatively impact your motivation and focus. Use folders, colour-coded tabs, or digital tools to categorise and store your study materials. This way, you can easily access the information you need and avoid wasting time searching for misplaced notes.

6. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care:

Studying for hours on end without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased motivation. Remember to take regular breaks to rest, recharge, and engage in activities you enjoy. Physical exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends can help you relax and rejuvenate. Taking care of your well-being is essential for maintaining motivation and sustaining a productive study routine.

7. Find a Study Group or Accountability Partner:

Studying with peers can be highly beneficial for motivation. Join a study group or find an accountability partner who shares your goals. Working together allows for collaboration, discussion, and support, making the studying process more enjoyable and stimulating.

8. Visualise Success:

Visualise yourself achieving your goals and succeeding in your exams. Imagine the satisfaction and pride you will feel when you see the results of your hard work. Visualising success can boost your motivation and drive, reminding you of the rewards that await you at the end of the journey.
Staying motivated while studying for university exams is undoubtedly challenging, but with determination and the right strategies, you can overcome any obstacles. And if you’re looking for student accommodation Randwick, consider Be.Accommodation. We offer a safe and quiet environment for studying, ensuring that you have the peace and focus you need to excel in your exams.
We help throughout the move-in process, including pre-arrival information, 24/7 support, and a range of services to facilitate settling into your new home.
Stay motivated, stay focused, and success will be within your reach!